The mascots
Projects running
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First prep. meeting
Let's learn to recycle the paper intelligently (The paper mill)
Icelandic questionnaire
Mihai Eminescu Day
1 December - Day of Republic
Școala Gimnazială Nr.82 - The visit at the salt mine Ocnele Mari
Let's use more the bicycle
Marttilan koulu visits Paukaneva swamp
Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.82 - The exhibition of mascots
Grabbing the garbage
Teacher training in Copenhagen
New website for GCF!
Making an Impact! Climate walk in Marttila ⭐️
Making an Impact! Green Clean Future - climate walk in Seinäjoki. Join us!
Plastic change
Doing it the right way
Green Clean Now!
Getting ready for a project meeting in Seinäjoki
Skype time
2nd graders practised the basics of recycling: waste sorting