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Making an impact! (January - June 2019)


Green Clean Future - NOW!

The Bernadotte School

Time to act


The student council at the Bernadotte School has – together with the SC-teachers – planned two theme days focusing on two very important topics: garbage disposal and plastic.


The reasons for choosing these are:

  • being a big school with almost 600 students and more than 100 employees we generate a lot of garbage ourselves – this makes us directly responsible

  • the school is located in a municipality where sorting garbage is a possibility and we can therefore get the necessary support

  • increasing the awareness will (hopefully) have a direct impact on not only students and employees, but also on all the families 

  • focusing on garbage and plastic will show everybody that acting locally is actually thinking globally


A two-day focus is not going to save the planet at once, but a change of mindset will – and this is the beginning.


Press the button for details about the programme

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