Marttilan koulu - Finland
Marttilan koulu is a primary school of 360 students in the centre of Seinäjoki, Finland. There are many different types of learners in Marttila. The school consists of special needs classes, preparatory classes for immigrants, bilingual classes, and music classes. Integration between different classes is an integral part of everyday life in Marttila and also a matter of constant development. The new curriculum brings changes to organizing for example special education. Seinäjoki is enhancing the adaptation of immigrant students and Marttilan koulu will welcome even more students with immigrant background. The system is changing towards even more active integration with the support of teachers from preparatory classes.
Appreciating diversity and sense of community are essential values in of Marttila. The school motto is "the entire school educates (koko koulu kasvattaa)". Learning basic skills and fostering good behaviour with caring are key elements of our school´s mission. The aim is to ensure the learning path of every child with continuous cooperation with surrounding community, e.g. pre-primary and secondary sections, social work, and health sector. Learning of each child is nurtured by using child centred learning methods. Within the curriculum process sustainable development has become an essential value of Marttila. These elements are considered as a basis for safe and inspiring environment for learning.
Seinäjoki has been preparing the new curriculum in a regional collaboration with other municipalities in Ostrobothnia. Active participation of students and entrepreneurship are given emphasis in this regional curriculum. Launching the new curriculum has brought great changes to the school culture and participating in an Erasmus+ -project supports this process.