Plastic - Not so fantastic (August - December 2018)
Vocabulary in five languages
The project schools have shared the key vocabulary about the topic in English, Icelandic, Romanian, Danish and Finnish. Click the button to find out what they are.
Microplastic study in Marttila
Year six students studied microplastic. The text is mainly in Finnish but here is the main content:
1. Microplastic
- plastic has increased dramatically during the past years
- microplastic is harmful for humans
- plastic ends up in the sea, fish and
eventually people
2. March without microplastic
- campaign against using plastic
- advice how to avoid using plastic
3. Plastic waste
- plastic causes environmental problems
- plastic does not biodegrade
4. Pacific trash vortex
- many animals die because of the trash in the ocean
5. Plastic problem in the Finnish lakes
- the lakes are even more vulnerable to pollution than the seas
- there is plastic everywhere in the Finnish nature
6. Microplastic in cosmetics
- plastic is a typical ingredient in cosmetics
- many companies have decided to give up
using plastic in cosmetics
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