About Us
The Green Clean Future group consists of five schools in five different countries in Europe. We have been planning this project since the spring of 2016.
Some of us have previously worked together in different constellation under the Comenius programme.
Why Green Clean Future?
We have many reasons for wanting this project to succeed: the benefits of teachers and children working together cross countries; the possibility of integrating IT in a larger scale and in an everyday context; working together with companies in our local communities etc.
But - the main reason is the responsibility we as grown ups and teachers have to create an awareness amongst our students that the western way of living have consequences for our planet and if we act - and act together - we can actually make a difference.
Who are we?
You can read more about the participating schools by choosing the flags below.
Scoala Gimnasiala Nr.82
School Nr. 82 is a primary and secondary school in the south-east part of Bucharest